The More You Know

Do you remember NBC's "The More You Know" public service segments that created awareness and education about important topics?  They encouraged parents to take a greater role in their children’s education (little did they know at that time that in 2020 we would BECOME their education but I digress:-)).  The idea behind these PSAs was that if we could raise children with an awareness of the world and an education beyond what was immediately available to them, they would grow up with a more global perspective on issues such as literacy and obesity.  

This message resonates with us at WildBloom.

It was years of using so-called “beauty” products before we really understood that what we were putting on our faces might give us short-term results, but not the safest for our skin - or for the environment as we were washing the byproduct down the drain. One important study that had a major impact on us was Environment California Research's Growing Up Toxic: Chemical Exposures and Increases in Developmental Diseases, which details the chemicals found in consumer products and their potential health impacts. Since then, numerous other publications that have continued to validate the points that were made in this study. Commercial beauty and skincare products often contain chemicals but don’t come with accompanying safety data.  Some of these chemicals have been linked to birth defects and other disorders.  

So what does this have to do with "The More You Know"?  At WildBloom, we believe that literacy breeds good decisions. That is why for every sale that we make, we donate one book to a charity supporting children’s literacy.  Our thought is that if we can encourage folks to read labels and be educated consumers, they will make clean product decisions. Moreover, when we couple pure ingredients with an attractive price point, the decision will always be to make a natural choice...more on this in a future blog but for today, know that when you are making a good choice for your skin, you are also supporting literacy for the next generation of consumer.

AND--if you know a teacher, school system or group in need, please tell us!  We primarily support Read to Grow, however, we have made donations to schools and other organizations to work towards every child having books in their home library!